+ What is iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation?

Yoga Nidra is a deeply relaxing guided meditation that you practice comfortably lying down on your back with your arms by your sides, your palms facing up and your head on a pillow. You may also practice sitting in a chair or on the floor. When practicing, avoid clothes that will feel binding or uncomfortable. Some participants may notice a decrease in body temperature so have a blanket nearby.

For more general information about iRest Yoga Nidra, go to

+ Who Can Participate In Open Studio Meditation Classes?

Anyone age 13 and up. Please email us about any special needs, such as handicap access or hearing difficulty. All classes are in English. Students under the age of 18 will need parental or guardian approval. All students will need to sign a waiver form before attending their first class. Download the form here.

+ How do I access the classes?

If you want to have video access, just download ZOOM on your computer or phone. Instructions will be sent on how to do this when you sign up. This is recommended for the workshops and beginner series, but is not required. You can simply call on your phone.

If you only want audio access, you can simply use your phone.

+ What is The Meditation Process Like?

It is a process of turning your attention inward, welcoming whatever arises without judgment. As the meditation progresses, you begin to get in touch with something that is behind all of these arising sensations, thoughts, etc., – some call it Awareness, others call it True Nature. Scholars try to describe it from many angles. You will find your own words for it. I like “True Nature” because it is really a personal journey where you discover all that you are – which is much vaster than you may have imagined.

+ Is it possible to get private meditation classes?

Yes. Please contact Ellen MacGran at for more information.

+ Do you offer classes or programs for larger groups like companies?

Yes. We have worked with schools, businesses and veterans groups who want to provide meditation and mindfulness skills to their members. Please contact Ellen MacGran at for more information.

Do you have other questions? We'd love to hear from you!